How to Enhance Connection, Happiness, and Ease: The Neuroscience of Self-Regulation

For thousands of years, we humans have longed for improved relationships, lasting happiness, and freedom from struggle, fear, and pain. Our collective craving has created no shortage of attempts to quench that thirst, including religion, philosophy, psychology, education, alcohol, personal growth workshops, and even dating apps. And yet, you may find that despite all of your best efforts you don’t feel better or that much different. Your happiness doesn’t seem to last, you may continue to struggle with connection and intimacy in relationships, and you may not be enjoying much ease in your life.

Recently, a new client put it this way: “I’ve done cognitive therapy, traditional talk therapy, group therapy, even drama therapy . . . I was a philosophy major in college, and over the years have participated in so many self-growth workshops and trainings I’ve lost count. I feel I have good insight and understanding about my problems , but when it comes to living life the way I want to—to be the way I want to be—I constantly find I go right back to how I’ve always reacted and what I’ve always done. It’s so frustrating and disappointing. This really needs to change and nothing I’ve done so far has helped.” 

For over 100 years, psychologists and psychiatrists have utilized talk therapy to try to help people use insight and understanding to manage their behavior and to improve their health, happiness, and relationships. If you were not changing or managing your behavior better, then you simply needed more (or different) therapy! However, mounting neuroscience research has demonstrated that few psychological problems are the result of a lack of insight or clear understanding.  Ironically, it turns out most of your suffering and struggles are, in part or in whole, caused by the state of your nervous system. 

Ironically, the very systems and tendencies that evolved specifically to help our species survive are now part of what causes you to feel overwhelmed, anxious, worried, irritable, reactive or shut down.

Chances are that your survival responses are getting triggered not by actual lifethreatening events such as running from a tiger or engaging in handtohand combat. Instead, your survival responses are likely being triggered by everyday situations such as running late for a meeting, having an argument, feeling ashamed or anxious or overwhelmed, or simply being stuck in traffic.  

Sarah Berkeley

I am a front-end web designer, photographer, and conceptual artist. I hold an MFA in Art & Design from the University of Michigan and a BFA in Studio Art from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I started my career as a UI/UX designer in New York City. Later, I moved to Berlin, Germany to pursue my art career and live a more bohemian lifestyle. After three years in Berlin, I returned to the United States for graduate school. Following my MFA, I began teaching web and graphic design, photography, and video the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Nebraska Wesleyan University and Metro Community College.

In 2018 I left my tenure track position at Nebraska Wesleyan University, to pursue The Unknown! That year I did my first triathlon, founded an artist residency program at a state park in Iowa, performed in Seattle and hiked the 273 mile Vermont Long Trail. In the subsequent years I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, Colorado Trail and half of the Continental Divide Trail. Following clues that appeared during the downtime led me to founding Expansive Media. I am super excited to be able to combine my tech and art skills through Expansive Media. I am also able to incorporate my passion for well-being and community by working with clients who make the world a better place.

Finding Safety By Going With the Flow: A Defensive State to Trauma - Dr. Jeffrey Rutstein


Self-care for Those Who Work With Trauma